Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Simple Things...

Do you ever think you get away from the important things in life? Do you forget to savor the little things? I am a person that prides myself on being able to remember to savor life, but lately with all that's going on I have forgotten.

I am slowly trying to remember again and here are a few of my highlights:

1-Riding my bike in the early morning with the sun just starting to peak and the air crisp. The cold breeze stinging my skin just the slightest while the chilly air rushes into my lungs. I feel so alive and I just want that moment to last forever.

2-The days when Weiser (my African Grey parrot) makes little kissing noises at me and gives me this look of wonder and excitement for just seeing my face. He seems to relax when I smile at him and to know you give that much comfort to another creature on this planet well your heart swells.

3-The day you stop and smell the coffee in your cup...usually I guzzle it down so my day can get started as soon as possible. If you just sit and look out the window enjoy the morning sun and smell the strong aroma of the coffee. You take that first sip and it's hot but the flavor melts on your tongue. Somehow sipping coffee always makes me feel like all is right in the world.

I have read in many places that you should write down the things you are thankful for and in doing so you gain a different perspective. You are able to find and maintain balance. It really is the simple things in life....


suheil said...

Your really have a simple idee of the life. lucky to you if it is really your real life .I give anything to live a life so simple which have nothing complex and stress .

Nicole said...

Oh my life is far from being simple! But I think that is the point. Sometimes we have no control over the stress or complication in life but its all about the mind set you take when you approach those complicated moments and trying really hard to savor the simple ones before you jump in. Life is not easy by any means right now, but there is always someone who has it worse and there are many things to be thankful for. Maybe I am lucky in that I can at least try and take a step back...but not always. There are many days I am laying in bed under the covers not wanting to face life! But you only got one...might as well get out there and live it!