We also added one more chick to our brood because Scott so desperately wanted an Easter Egg chicken or better known as an Ameraucana. I had the pleasure of attending a book signing for Gretchen Anderson and her new book, The Backyard Chicken Fight. It was a great presentation and Gretchen was so kind enough to refer me to someone who had an Ameraucana.
This weekend was very busy putting in the garden but a bonus was finding a few worms which I shared with the chicks. What a show!!! One grabs the worm and then runs for cover and then another chick jumps in and steals the worm. Its like a crazy, no rules game of capture the flag. Of course, Millie our Buff Orpington stole the worm. I can tell she is going to be the bossy queen over all the other chickens.
Next project is to get to work on modifications to their permanent home (an old dog house) and a chicken tractor both of which I picked up on Craigslist for $80 each. Screaming deal!
Millie (the Buff Orpington) is the only chick that has a name at the moment. I named her because she has a big puffy butt and she reminded me of the stereotypical large bossy farm wife which I of course assumed would be named Millie (or Bessy). Any ideas on names for the other crazies?
Here's is a pic of Millie:

Too cute! Love the pics. As a side note, I raised ours in a box as well. Imagine my surprise when I came home to find one of them perched on the top edge of the box one day. I thought "how cute!" but did nothing. The next day I came home to find the same said chicken had jumped OUT of the box and run amok in the spare room. I had to clean carpets. :(
Hey Nicole, great blog! I have two Buff Orpies, an Ameracauna, a bantam Aracauna, and 4 RI Reds. And now the 4 Cornish meat chicks. I'll be back to read more about you soon!
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