My life has been going through some major changes the last few years. I gave up the hot dry deserts of Arizona for the lush green rolling hills of Idaho. I have never looked back. My motto has always been that I am a complicated person in constant pursuit of simplicity. Anyone who knows me, knows that statement is true; although some would argue that I have an affection for the complicated. In truth I really have been seeking a simpler life, but for the short term I seem to be plagued by complication.
Try as I might to define what a simple life means, I can't. All I have are brief ideas and images of where I would like to be. The feeling of a wet dog nose on your knee, the singing of my canary in the morning, the flowers blooming in the front yard, the feel of dirt in my hands, the planning of a garden and the excitement of raising chickens. I love making my food from natural organic ingredients that I have either grown myself or sourced from a local farmer. I want to focus my energies on my husband and friends. I want to hike the hills and bike the city soaking up the sun, the birds and the sky. I want to be moved by the wise words of the authors I read and maybe bestow a few to the world myself. I want to share my knowledge so that when I am no longer on this plant, the mark I have made on the land will have been small, but the mark on the minds of friends and family will be big.
There are a few words that come to mind that might encompass all of these ideals and that's why I decided to call my blog plain simple true. Its more than the urban homesteader in me or the health nut seeking out the next best recipe or the love I have for the unique creatures I share my life with (3 dogs, 3 parrots, a canary and chickens). I am committed to living my most authentic life even if its quirky to most anyone else.
I found excitement and peace (and yes my mojo!) in taking a trip to the local hatchery to pick up some chicks. I was so happy and excited to be driving home with a card board box on my passenger's seat peeping at me. I didn't want to be anywhere else but with those chicks. It's a moment in my life where I felt I was doing exactly what I should be doing and is more satisfying than career success, fancy clothes or loud parties.
Happy Chick Day!

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