Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Tomorrow is a big day.  Its my very last day at my job.  A job that I have loved (and on some days hated) but nonetheless has made me grow as a person.  I have always thought about going to graduate school but suddenly I am on the cusp of actually making that change.  Like all change, its a bittersweet mix of excitement and sadness.

I am getting little butterflies fluttering around in my tummy as I think of my new journey.  I had a very productive and exciting meeting with one of the schools I am applying to this past weekend.  I feel really good about this new venture into the world of books, databases and people.  I am headed to the place where I belong, the library.

My life continues to be one surprise after another.  Never in a million years would I have guessed where I am now in my life.  Its a sweet spot being on the precipice of this new adventure.  It makes me wonder what could possibly be around the corner for me!

Here's to making things complicated and wonderful all at the same time!

1 comment:

Marisa said...

Congrats! I have a couple friends who studied Library Sciences. It's so much cooler than it sounds.