
Pressly is an older super tanned woman with white hair that she wears in a bun in the back of her head. She is reasonably in shape and does power walks around the neighbor but then goes home and binges on bon bons. She sassy and likes to gossip with the neighbor otherwise she spends her time knitting and staring out the window.
Luna reminds me of a young super fit tall lanky woman with black hair. She intense and will bite your head of if you don't do something right. She always wants to be the leader but easily gets lonely if no one wants to play with her. When no one is looking all she wants to do is snuggle up next to you and fall asleep.
I saved the best for last...

Sydney reminds me of a young Australian red-headed hippie girl who runs around half naked encouraging everyone else to run around naked. She is care free but a lover at heart. She just wants to spread the peace and the love and that's all that makes her happy. She has some intense moments here and there but mostly likes to sit under a tree and zone out or watch the birds.
It definitely would be interesting to meet them as people!