Where does the time go? I am not really helping myself live a simpler life if I keep saying yes to everything therefore creating an impossibly busy schedule and allowing myself no time for anything, including writing in my blog. So not living my motto! But I did receive a lot of feedback from friends who read my blog and actually noticed when I didn't write. Someone is out there paying attention. Now if only they would share with their friends. :)
This past weekend I celebrated what was for a long time the dreaded 30th birthday. It's now official. There is nothing like starting out a new decade in life to put you into that new-year's resolution kind of mind. I feel like I should be writing the top 10 things I want to do in my 30's or some personal manifesto. The 30's somehow feel more important to me than my two previous decades. I promise if I do come up with a top ten list or a personal manifesto I will share.
I started blogging for many reasons but I think most importantly to provide myself an outlet where I could have a dialogue with the larger world (like anyone is reading but one could hope). My personal struggle in life is my knack for complicating everything. Not in the annoying I am a pain-in-someone's-ass sort of way but in a I feel the need to think about and analyze everything in my life sort of way. I refrain, most of the time, from sharing that inner dialogue with anyone. Regardless, I feel that inner dialogue has given me some plain and simple truths about my life, but maybe for someone else's too.
Take for instance my birthday. It is the simple gestures that mean the most. My good friend Jen and I call each other "dude" It I had found the perfect birthday card that in the inside said "Happy Birthday Dude" I sent it to her and she couldn't resist sending it to me. The minute I opened the card I couldn't stop smiling.
My amazing husband took me to a philharmonic presentation of Star Wars, bought me my favorite chocolate cake and arranged a manicure and pedicure with my two closest friends. I didn't want diamonds, copious amounts of alcohol or a big party. It was simple things strung together to make the most amazing day.
Now when I hear the opening theme of Star Wars, or a dive into the luscious layers of a chocolate cake I will see Jen and Scott's faces smiling back at me. The memories of that day are priceless and no gift no matter how grand could ever compare.